
I'm a fan or performance support resources because who can remember everything they learn? You have to support when information changes, when someone makes a mistake or when they want to learn something new. Below are examples of documentation I have developed.

Zoom (2020)

Harvard Medical School was going to transition from WebEx into Zoom in April of 2020. The pandemic hit in March of 2020 and we had to quickly transition. I was responsible for leading the design and development of the documentation for the Zoom platform. 

Canvas LMS (2018)

As an Instructional designer for the Massachusetts Teachers Association, I was in charge of setting up Canvas and manageing courses and users. I needed to communicate well with the instructors about what the process was and what they were responsible for, so I created a few resources.

Salesforce (NEA360) Training Implementation (2018) 

As an Instructional Designer/Online Learning Specialist at the Massachusetts Teachers Association, I co-wrote the Project Charter, wrote the Training Plan and Schedule. I also took materials and resources shared by the National Education Association (handbooks, PowerPoint and videos) and build a resource website for development in SharePoint 2016.

NEA360 Implementation: This site was created for a presentation to the National Education Association. They liked so much what I was doing for MTA, that they asked me to present to the other affiliate states the plan and resources I was creating. The site has links to the Project Charter, Training Plan and Schedule as well as the resource website.

Blackboard Upgrade Documentation (May 2014)

When Babson College went through a Blackboard upgrade, I managed the documentation upgrade initiative. The documentation was a combination of video demos and written guides that were made available on our Drupal site. Below you will find a few examples:

Other examples from my time at Babson: