Instructor-Led Training
Image Source: Image by Jagrit Parajuli from Pixabay.
Zoom for Education (2020)
As an Education Training Specialist at Harvard Medical School, I led live training sessions for faculty and staff on how to use Zoom for classes. Topics covered: annotation, breakout rooms, polling using Zoom and polling using PollEverywhere and non-verbal feedback via the chat and the participant window. I also recorded video demos for our knowledgebase:
Starbucks Mobile App Training Example (2016)
As part of a job interview, I was asked to develop an outline of how I would go about designing the training for a mobile app. I chose the Starbucks mobile app because I use it frequently and I love how it saves me time ordering.
Using WebEx for Interactive Sessions (2012)
When I was an Instructional designer working at John Snow Incorporated, we used to have Tech Tuesdays which were like Lunch & Learn events where we shared tips to improve our work. I did a presentation on how to use Webex for interactive sessions. The idea was to experience interaction while I shared the Webex functionality available.
Training Customer Service Representatives (2010)
As a consultant for the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) Implementation Project by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, my role was to train the Customer Service Representatives who would be providing support to the Medicaid providers. The learners had already completed eLearning courses, so the goal was to provide the audience reference and renewed engagement. Below you can view the training materials I assembled for a successful outcome.